Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Growing Continues

Recently I was thinking about how far my painting has come in the last couple of years. I still give a lot of that credit to the encouragement I received from Paul Jackson and many other amazing watercolorists I've met on Facebook. But I also know that in order to benefit from their tutelage it is up to me to keep painting and exploring and growing.

When most people think about art there is a certain artist or image that pops into their head. A style that instantly says whose art you are looking at. I am still trying to find that style. Still figuring out my identity. Below are two images from my most recent exploration. They were inspired by something someone introduced me too called veil paintings. I call these soul paintings. I just let whatever is inside come out and onto the paper. At some point during the process a direction seems to form. I just go with it! I would love your opinion. Is this a style I should keep exploring?
