Monday, July 7, 2014

Big Show!!

For the month of July my work will be at the Three lakes Center for the Arts. If you are not familiar with it you really should check it out. The facility is an old theater that has been restored. They did a great job. In addition that have amazing performances and of course the artist of the month, ME!! :)

In preparing for the show I have done a few paintings that are a bit different from some things in the past. I am excited to see the the response. Here are a couple of the new works.

I love the misty mornings and golden sunsets in the north woods. Recently I have noticed a lot more herons in the area. One of my favorite sites is sitting and watching the sunset and the silhouette of a heron goes by. I think this painting captures those moments for me. 

 I love taking road trips with no real plan. On one such road trip I stopped on Beale Street in Memphis. This is a must for anyone who love Blues. The clubs are run down and dark and full of blues history. This particular club had a lot to see and hear. It seemed like the perfect show to reveal this painting since after the artist reception on July 11th Reverend Raven and the Chain Smokin' Alter Boys have a concert at the Art Center.

I hope you will consider visiting me on the 11th for the artist reception between 5-7 pm. Or at least stop by the Three Lakes Center for the Arts and see the show. I would love to hear what you think.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Catching Up!

Life sure gets busy. Before you know it, 6 months have passed since your last blog post. Ok. Maybe that is just me. So this post will be a bit of a potpourri of what has been happening in my art world.

Here is what I hope to cover:

  1. Announcing a show
  2. Debuting a new page that features classes I will be teaching
  3. Posting some Paintings that have been done since my last post. 
So here we go!!

I am just finalizing a solo show at the Three Lakes Art Center, Three Lakes Wisconsin.  I will be the featured artist the month of July. The show should go up on the 2nd and will run the entire month. There will be a Meet the Artist Reception on the July11th and after the reception Reverend Raven and the Chain Smokin' Alter Boys will be performing at the Center. It is a really cool Venue. Here are links to the Art Center and to Reverend Raven:

We are in the process of finalizing the detail for 2 watercolor classes I will teach at the art center sometime around the of the Artist Reception. 

Classes. I posted once before how much I enjoyed teaching. Apparently my students have been ok with it too. I have had a number of them take multiple classes and even with changes in my availability we have found a way to offer some weekend workshops. I will be adding a page with class details and detail on hiring me to teach classes. There will also be some very kind words from some of my students about their experience. 

Now for the unposted paintings!