Sunday, March 27, 2011

An Inspirational Spring Break

The Church of the Holy Cross
This year we were very fortunate for "Spring Break". First of all because UW-M where my daughter Taylor attends was off at the same time as Kaylene and McKenzie and the Plymouth School district. Next we were fortunate because we were able to swing a trip to Scottsdale, Arizona.
On the agenda was a trip to Sedona and Brewers Spring Training. The trip provided plenty of inspiration for paintings. The painting to the left I started in the wee hours of the Arizona mornings with my coffee, while I waited for the sun to rise. The Church of the Holy Cross is a beautiful place and the views were amazing. I was truly looking forward to photographing the natural beauty with the intent of painting it. But I think I found the most inspiration at a Mexican Market named Tlaquepaque. While our expectation was Mexican goods being sold, the reality was some very nice art from all over. But most inspiring was the "Village" itself.
I hope to paint 4 or 5 paintings from this area alone. Including a portrait of my daughter.
The other big part of our trip was Brewers Training camp. I have had a painting in mind featuring Brewers for a long time, so this provided a lot of opportunity to get some shot for that.
Most importantly we had some nice family time. It was very nice to relax and explore a new area. We hope to get back again we definitely have things we still want to see and do in the Scottsdale/Phoenix area. We also want to see more of the nature in the Sedona area. 
Now comes the tough part. Finding time to get all of the paintings I want to do done!

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